The sweeteners replace sugar. They sweeten foods, but provide virtually no calories to the body. Therefore, they are very useful in weight loss diets or for people who suffer from diabetes or other conditions that do not allow the consumption of regular sugar. The use of sweeteners also prevents tooth decay, as they do not have the negative effect on dental enamel that sugar does. Stevia, for example, also has a low glycemic index, so it may be suitable for celiacs.
Stevia rebaudiana is a plant native to South America whose leaves have a sweetness between 15 and 30 times more powerful than sugar. It contains minerals and vitamins A and C. The steviol glycosides are the compounds responsible for the sweetness of stevia. It is suitable for diabetics, as it provides no calories or carbohydrates. It aids in weight loss diets and is favorable for people with high blood pressure.
Sucralose is a sweetener obtained directly from sucrose, non-caloric, and with a sweetness 600 times greater than sugar.