Energia em Equilíbrio – your shop of natural products
Energia em Equilíbrio is proud of presenting its shop of natural products, natural supplememts, cosmetic, products for acupuncture and many other products so that you can lead a natural and healthy life. We follow criteria of quality and the greatest satisfaction of our customer and consumer. Our policy is based on the following five fundamental principles:
Trust. We want our clientes to trust the products they buy and so we garantee all the quality that is demanded.The quality comprises everything from the reception to the wrapping and shipping. Security. Being an online shop of natural products, we totally garantee the protection of dates of our customers. The dates will be provided through a safe connection, which will be certified by a sector recognized company.
Privacy and confidentiality. Our customers`dates will neither be sold or provided to third people. Our clients can delete or change their dates at any time.
Comfort. Our customers can order their natural products, food supplements, acupuncture articles, cosmetic articles or slimming products at any time and anywhere, through a simple internet connection. Good products at the best prices. We reduced the expenses to a minimum, since we only work online. We want to ensure our customers that they have the best price on the market.
We hope to live up to your expectations. We count on you.
Energia Em Equilíbrio, Lda
NIPC 508384249
Rua Dr. Alberto Souto 17B, 3800-149 Aveiro
E-mail: info@energiaemequilibrio.com
Loja online: http://energiaemequilibrio.com