The properties of Pau D’Arco are vast and beneficial. It is traditionally used by the populations of its countries of origin, and is also widespread in Western countries.
Pau D’Arco is a large tree native to South America, known as Ipê-Roxo in Brazil. With a long and documented history of use by indigenous populations, it has been the subject of numerous scientific studies that confirm its effectiveness.
Pau D’Arco Forte is a highly nutrient-rich phytoactive extract, containing essential nutrients such as Naftoquinones, including Lapachol, Vitamins: C, Beta-carotene, Nicotinamide, Riboflavin, and Thiamine. It also includes Beta-sitosterol, Fibers and Proteins, Trace elements: Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, and Zinc, and Minerals: Calcium and Phosphorus.
- For 30 ml:
- Liquid extract of Tecoma impetignosa, Pau D’Arco bark – 14.4 ml.
Directions for use:
- Adults: 3 x 10 ml per day, 10 ml before each meal
- Adolescents: 3 x 5 ml, 5 ml before each meal
- Children: 3 x 2.5 ml, 2.5 ml before each meal.